9人在印第安纳州一辆Chevplot Silvado 和一辆GMC卡车之间坠毁事件中受伤。 Nine people were injured in a crash between a Chevrolet Silverado and a GMC truck in Indiana.
在印第安纳州Kosciusko县,一辆Chevplot Silvado与一辆GMC装箱卡车在US-30发生碰撞,造成九人受伤。 A collision between a Chevrolet Silverado and a GMC box truck on US-30 in Kosciusko County, Indiana, left nine people injured. 皮卡司机Jorge Moyotl和一名乘客因重伤被空运到韦恩堡的一家医院,另外七人被送往当地医院。 The pickup's driver, Jorge Moyotl, and one passenger were airlifted to a hospital in Fort Wayne due to serious injuries, while the other seven were taken to local hospitals. 当局认为,没有安全带的使用以及皮卡车中过多的占用者造成受伤。 Authorities believe lack of seatbelt use and an excess of occupants in the pickup contributed to the injuries. 该公路因紧急服务被暂时关闭。 The highway was temporarily closed for emergency services.