墨西哥开始使用一台新的热解机器,每周将塑料废物转换成356加仑燃料。 Mexican startup converts plastic waste into 356 gallons of fuel weekly using a new pyrolysis machine.
使用波卡德尔里约热解机将塑料废物转化为汽油和柴油等燃料。 Mexican startup Petgas is converting plastic waste into fuel like gasoline and diesel using a pyrolysis machine in Boca del Rio. 该工艺每周将1.5吨塑料分解为356加仑燃料。 The process breaks down 1.5 tons of plastic weekly into 356 gallons of fuel. Petgas的目标是在塑料是一种燃料资源而不是废物,并将燃料捐赠给当地服务部门的情况下,实现循环经济。 Petgas aims for a circular economy where plastic is a fuel resource, not waste, and donates the fuel to local services.