在加沙,由于以色列在冲突中的封锁,巴勒斯坦人将塑料废物烧为燃料。 In Gaza, Palestinians burn plastic waste for fuel due to Israel's blockade amid conflict.
在加沙,由于以色列的封锁限制了燃料供应,以防止哈马斯使用,巴勒斯坦人正在以燃烧塑料废物作为燃料。 In Gaza, Palestinians are resorting to burning plastic waste for fuel due to Israel's blockade limiting fuel supplies to prevent use by Hamas. 年轻收藏家从废墟中收集塑料,然后在临时炉灶中加工。 Young collectors gather plastic from ruins, which is then processed in makeshift ovens. 这一方法带来了各种风险,包括烧伤和潜在轰炸,但居民坚持努力在冲突数月中应对燃料持续短缺问题。 This method poses risks, including burns and potential bombardment, yet residents persist in their efforts to cope with the ongoing fuel shortage amid months of conflict.