印度政府因未注册的加密服务, 罚款Bybit120万美元, 封锁其网站. Indian government fines Bybit $1.2 million for unregistered crypto services, blocking its websites.
印度政府对Bybit Fintech Limited $9.27 crore (约120万美元)处以罚款,原因是在扩大印度的加密货币服务的同时,没有向印度金融情报机构(FIU-IND)登记。 The Indian government has fined Bybit Fintech Limited ₹9.27 crore (about $1.2 million) for failing to register with the Financial Intelligence Unit-India (FIU-IND) while expanding its cryptocurrency services in India. 这一违反《防止洗钱法》的行为导致Bybit网站受到封锁。 This violation of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) led to the blocking of Bybit's websites. 印度政府要求所有虚拟数字资产服务提供者报告可疑交易并向金融情报室登记。 The Indian government requires all virtual digital asset service providers to report suspicious transactions and register with the FIU-IND.