印度储备银行因不遵守监管规定而对印度银行和 Bandhan 银行分别处以 14 千万卢比和 295.5 万卢比的罚款。 The Reserve Bank of India fined Bank of India ₹1.4 crore and Bandhan Bank ₹29.55 lakh for regulatory non-compliance.
印度储备银行因不遵守具体监管规范而对印度银行和 Bandhan 银行分别处以 14 千万卢比和 295.5 万卢比的罚款。 The Reserve Bank of India has fined Bank of India ₹1.4 crore and Bandhan Bank ₹29.55 lakh for non-compliance with specific regulatory norms. 处罚是由于监管合规方面的缺陷造成的,并不影响机构与其客户签订的交易或协议的有效性。 The penalties are due to deficiencies in regulatory compliance and do not affect the validity of transactions or agreements entered into by the institutions with their customers. 印度银行因未遵守印度储备银行关于存款和预付款利率、客户服务的指示以及违反《2006 年信用信息公司规则》的规定而受到处罚。 Bank of India was penalized for not adhering to the RBI's directions on interest rates for deposits and advances, customer service, and contravening provisions of Credit Information Companies Rules, 2006. Bandhan 银行因不遵守印度储备银行的某些指示而被罚款。 Bandhan Bank was fined for non-compliance with certain RBI directions.