印度削减个人所得税,刺激中产阶级支出,促进经济增长。 India cuts personal income taxes to spur middle-class spending and boost economic growth.
印度降低了个人所得税税率,以促进中产阶级支出和经济增长,正如财政部长尼玛拉·西塔拉曼宣布的那样。 India has reduced personal income tax rates to boost middle-class spending and economic growth, as announced by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. 新的减税旨在遏制该国四年来经济增长最慢的局面,部分原因是粮食通货膨胀率高和私人投资低。 The new tax cuts aim to counter the country's slowest economic growth in four years, partly due to high food inflation and low private investment. 这些变化降低了对年收入的税收,最高可达150万卢比,取消了对收入的税收,最高可达120万卢比。 The changes lower taxes on annual incomes up to 1.5 million rupees and eliminate taxes on incomes up to 1.2 million rupees.