ICE在亚特兰大逮捕了一名韩国国民,罪名是拥有剥削儿童的材料,面临长达5年的监禁。 ICE arrested a South Korean national in Atlanta for possessing child exploitation material, facing up to five years in jail.
美国移民和海关执法局(ICE)于1月28日在亚特兰大逮捕了一名韩国国民, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arrested a South Korean national in Atlanta on January 28, who was convicted of possessing child sexual exploitation material. 个人面临5年监禁和20年缓刑。 The individual faces five years in jail and 20 years of probation. 这次逮捕是在特朗普政府下开始的正在进行的全国范围内对移民的镇压活动的一部分,目的是加强边境安全和制止非法移民。 This arrest is part of an ongoing nationwide crackdown on immigration that started under the Trump administration, aimed at enhancing border security and curbing illegal immigration.