儿科牙医Paul Bogeun Kim博士因持有儿童性虐待材料被判处3年徒刑。 Pediatric dentist Dr. Paul Bogeun Kim sentenced to 3 years for possessing child sexual abuse material.
Paul Bogeun Kim博士因拥有1 900多张有关儿童性虐待的图像和近800段录像,被判处3年2个月的联邦监禁。 Metro Atlanta pediatric dentist Dr. Paul Bogeun Kim was sentenced to three years and two months in federal prison for possessing over 1,900 images and nearly 800 videos of child sexual abuse. 联邦调查局探员在2023年12月搜查他在Sandy Springs的住宅时发现了这些材料。 FBI agents found the material during a December 2023 raid on his home in Sandy Springs. Kim承认购买儿童色情制品,并将服刑10年,在服刑期满后受监督释放。 Kim admitted to purchasing child porn and will serve 10 years of supervised release after his prison term.