前嘉年华雇员承认持有儿童性虐待材料有罪,面临长达20年的监禁。 Former Carnival employee pleads guilty to possessing child sexual abuse material, faces up to 20 years in prison.
Abdul Rouvoof Shaik, 30岁,印度国民,前嘉年华游轮公司雇员,承认拥有对儿童的性虐待材料。 Abdul Rouvoof Shaik, a 30-year-old Indian national and former Carnival Cruise Lines employee, pleaded guilty to possessing child sexual abuse material. Shaik于2024年7月在新奥尔良游轮码头被美国国土安全部人员逮捕, Arrested in July 2024 by US Department of Homeland Security agents at a New Orleans cruise terminal, Shaik faces up to 20 years in prison, a $250,000 fine, and lifelong supervised release. 判决定于4月16日在新奥尔良举行 Sentencing is set for April 16 in New Orleans.