伊朗正在北朝鲜的帮助下研制长程核导弹。 Exiled Iranian group claims Iran is developing long-range nuclear missiles with North Korean help.
流亡的伊朗反对派团体NCRI声称,伊朗正在根据北朝鲜的设计开发3 000公里射程的核导弹。 An exiled Iranian opposition group, the NCRI, claims that Iran is developing nuclear missiles with a 3,000km range based on North Korean designs. 小组声称,伊朗正在利用伪装卫星发射场生产核弹头,并正在努力将这些弹头装上能够射入希腊和以色列等国的导弹。 The group alleges that Iran is using camouflaged satellite launch sites to produce nuclear warheads and is working to fit these warheads to missiles capable of reaching countries like Greece and Israel. 珊瑚礁倡议敦促国际社会采取行动,包括重新实施制裁和允许原子能机构不受限制地进入伊朗的核场地。 The NCRI urges the international community to take action, including reimposing sanctions and providing the IAEA with unrestricted access to Iran's nuclear sites.