回应原子能机构对合作的批评,伊朗将激活先进的离心机。 Iran to activate advanced centrifuges in response to IAEA's criticism over cooperation.
伊朗计划在其核方案中激活先进的离心机,以回应国际原子能机构(原子能机构)对合作不足的批评。 Iran plans to activate advanced centrifuges in its nuclear program in response to the International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) criticism over insufficient cooperation. 原子能机构最近通过了一项决议,呼吁伊朗在处理未申报核材料问题后加强合作。 The IAEA recently passed a resolution calling on Iran to improve its cooperation, following issues with undeclared nuclear materials. 伊朗称,这些步骤符合伊朗的权利,也是发展其和平核能计划所必要的。 Iran asserts that these steps are within its rights and necessary for the development of its peaceful nuclear energy program.