伊朗的铀储存接近武器级水平,引起核扩散关切。 Iran's uranium stockpile nears weapons-grade level, raising nuclear proliferation concerns.
伊朗已将其储存的浓缩铀增加到60%的纯度(接近武器级水平),自8月以来增加了17.6公斤,截至10月26日达到182.3公斤。 Iran has increased its stockpile of uranium enriched to 60% purity, which is near weapons-grade levels, by 17.6 kilograms since August, reaching 182.3 kilograms as of October 26. 国际原子能机构(原子能机构)警告说,如果伊朗选择这样做,这一数额就足以制造“几枚”核弹。 The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) warns that this amount is enough to make "several" nuclear bombs if Iran chose to do so. 伊朗坚持认为其核计划是用于和平目的的。 Iran insists its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes. 针对原子能机构理事会可能给予的指责,伊朗已提出将其浓缩铀库存限制在185公斤左右,并允许更多有经验的原子能机构视察员进入伊朗。 In response to potential censure by the IAEA Board of Governors, Iran has offered to cap its enriched uranium stock at around 185 kilograms and allow more experienced IAEA inspectors into the country.