肯塔基州911名员工神秘地篡改了Jarvis的公开记录请求, 这引起了法律问题。 Elijah Jarvis's public records request was mysteriously redacted by 911 employees in Kentucky, raising legal concerns.
Elijah Jarvis向肯塔基州一家911通讯社提出公共记录请求, 以查出谁接听了与警方枪杀Doug Harless事件有关的调度电话。 Elijah Jarvis filed a public records request with a Kentucky 911 agency to find out who accessed a dispatch call related to the fatal shooting of Doug Harless by police. 当Jarvis从FedEx取回他发来的邮件记录时,他发现这些记录被两名911名雇员未经解释地篡改。 When Jarvis picked up his mailed records from FedEx, he found they had been redacted by two 911 employees without explanation. 联邦调查局没有发现联邦违规事件,但这一事件引发了对编辑的合法性和911机构行为完整性的质疑。 The FBI found no federal violation, but the incident raised questions about the legality of the redactions and the integrity of the 911 agency's actions.