前联邦调查局官员斯特佐克和佩奇因泄露有关特朗普的贬损短信与司法部达成诉讼和解。 Former FBI officials Strzok and Page settled lawsuits with the Justice Department over leaked disparaging text messages about Trump.
前联邦调查局官员彼得·斯特佐克 (Peter Strzok) 和丽莎·佩奇 (Lisa Page) 已与司法部达成诉讼和解,他们指控司法部向媒体泄露了他们对前总统特朗普的贬损短信,侵犯了他们的隐私。 Former FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page have settled lawsuits with the Justice Department over claims their privacy was violated when the department leaked their disparaging text messages about former President Trump to the media. 斯特佐克已达成 120 万美元的和解协议,而佩奇的赔偿金额未公开,但低于斯特佐克。 Strzok has reached a $1.2 million settlement, while Page's payment amount is undisclosed but less than Strzok's. 这些官员指责政府在特朗普政府期间侵犯了他们的隐私权和《隐私法》。 The officials had accused the government of violating their privacy rights and the Privacy Act during the Trump administration.