经过八个月的谈判,比利时组成了由Bart De Wever领导的新政府。 Belgium forms new government led by Bart De Wever after eight months of negotiations.
比利时将成立一个由佛兰德民族主义党N-VA的Bart De Wever领导的新政府,结束了近八个月的谈判。 Belgium is set to form a new government led by Bart De Wever of the Flemish nationalist party N-VA, ending nearly eight months of negotiations. 该联盟包括五个政党,它们将解决国家高额债务问题,债务超过国内生产总值的100%。 The coalition includes five parties that will address the nation's high debt, which exceeds 100% of GDP. 主要的挑战包括平衡讲荷兰语的佛兰德人和讲法语的瓦隆人的利益,以及实施社会经济改革。 Key challenges include balancing the interests of Dutch-speaking Flanders and French-speaking Wallonia, as well as implementing socio-economic reforms.