比利时国王菲利普再次任命巴特·德·韦弗领导政府组建谈判。 Belgium's King Philippe reappoints Bart De Wever to lead government formation talks.
比利时国王菲利普 (King Philippe) 重新任命 N-VA 党领袖巴特·德韦弗 (Bart De Wever) 领导政府组建谈判,此前德韦弗早些时候因资本利得税争议而辞职。 Belgium's King Philippe has reappointed Bart De Wever, leader of the N-VA party, to spearhead government formation talks after De Wever's earlier resignation over disputes regarding a capital gains tax. 皇家调解人确认,包括改革运动和佛兰芒基督教民主党在内的五个有关政党准备恢复谈判。 The royal mediator has confirmed that the five involved parties, including the Reformist Movement and the Flemish Christian Democrats, are prepared to resume negotiations. De Wever的成功可以让他成为比利时首任佛兰德分裂主义总理。 De Wever's success could position him as Belgium's first Flemish separatist prime minister.