在康涅狄格州西黑文的 Saw Mill Road 肇事逃逸,造成行人无生命危险的伤害。 Hit-and-run on Saw Mill Road, West Haven, CT, leaves pedestrian with non-life-threatening injuries.
周二晚上,在康涅狄格州西黑文市,8点在Saw Mill Road和Greta街发生了一起肇事逃逸事件,造成行人无生命危险受伤。 On Tuesday night in West Haven, Connecticut, a hit-and-run incident occurred at 8 PM on Saw Mill Road and Greta Street, leaving a pedestrian with non-life-threatening injuries. 事故所涉身份不明的车辆逃离现场,警方尚未找到。 The unidentified vehicle involved in the accident fled the scene and has not yet been located by the police. 受害者目前在医院处于稳定状态。 The victim is currently in stable condition at the hospital.