两名男子在印度被判刑,因为他们与AQIS有联系的Ansarullah Bangla团队有牵连。 Two men are sentenced in India for their involvement with the Ansarullah Bangla Team, linked to AQIS.
古瓦哈提的一个特别法庭在一个Ansarullah Bangla小组恐怖案件中判处Mufti Suleiman Ali和Imran Hossen两人徒刑。 A special court in Guwahati has sentenced two men, Mufti Suleiman Ali and Imran Hossen, in an Ansarullah Bangla Team (ABT) terror case. 他们被判处六个月的简单监禁和500卢比的罚款,如果罚款没有支付,可加14天的额外罚款,加上已服满的刑期的严厉监禁,总共2年8个月和21天。 They were given six months of simple imprisonment and a Rs 500 fine, with 14 extra days if the fine isn't paid, plus rigorous imprisonment for the time already served, totaling 2 years, 8 months, and 21 days. 该案件将ABT与印度次大陆基地组织(AQIS)联系起来。 The case links ABT to Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS). 阿萨姆警方在三个州逮捕了14名ABT同伙。 The Assam Police have arrested 14 ABT associates across three states.