印度警方逮捕了主要的恐怖行动组织Abu Salam Ali,这是拆除ABT网络的努力的一部分。 Indian police arrest key terror operative Abu Salam Ali, part of efforts to dismantle ABT network.
阿萨姆警察特别工作队在Chennai逮捕了Abu Salam Ali,他是设在孟加拉国的恐怖集团Ansarullah Bangla小组(ABT)的主要执行人员。 The Assam Police's Special Task Force (STF) has arrested Abu Salam Ali, a key operative of the Bangladesh-based terror group Ansarullah Bangla Team (ABT), in Chennai. 这次逮捕是自2024年12月以来一系列协调行动的一部分,导致印度多个邦的16名ABT同伙被抓获。 This arrest is part of a series of coordinated operations since December 2024, resulting in the capture of 16 ABT associates across multiple states in India. Ali参与了策划袭击和加强极端主义网络的活动。 Ali was involved in planning attacks and strengthening extremist networks. 特别工作组与安得拉邦和泰米尔纳德邦的警察一道,旨在摧毁威胁印度安全的该团体的网络。 The STF, along with police from Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, aims to dismantle the group's network, which threatens India's security.