纽约市的拥堵定价计划将交通量减少了7.5%,第一周每天减少43,000辆汽车。 NYC's congestion pricing plan has reduced traffic by 7.5%, with 43,000 fewer cars daily in its first week.
纽约市的交通堵塞定价计划 收取9美元的司机 在高峰时段进入曼哈顿核心 导致第一周交通量下降7.5% New York City's congestion pricing plan, which charges drivers $9 to enter Manhattan's core during peak hours, has resulted in a 7.5% drop in traffic in its first week. 据过境官员说,这意味着每天汽车减少约43 000辆,进入中央商业区的车辆减少273 000辆。 This translates to about 43,000 fewer cars daily, with 273,000 fewer entering the central business district, according to transit officials. 该倡议旨在减少拥堵和改善空气质量,早期结果显示它正在产生积极影响。 The initiative aims to reduce congestion and improve air quality, and early results indicate it is having a positive impact.