Jefferies预测到2月7日印度股票市场将下跌, Jefferies predicts India's stock market will bottom out by Feb 7th, with rate-sensitive stocks set to gain.
Jefferies预测印度股票市场将在2月7日前下跌, Jefferies predicts the Indian stock market will bottom out by February 7th, assuming no unexpected tax changes in the Union Budget. 市场已经进入整顿模式126天,是十年来第二长的市场。 The market has been in correction mode for 126 days, the second longest in a decade. 利率敏感股票预计在即将到来的反弹中表现良好,但股票供应增加和国内资金流入放缓可能会限制明年的整体表现. Rate-sensitive stocks are expected to perform well in an upcoming rally, but higher equity supply and slower domestic inflows may limit overall performance in the next year.