以色列士兵Agam Berger被哈马斯释放,这是加沙停火期间交换囚犯的一部分。 Israeli soldier Agam Berger freed by Hamas, part of prisoner exchange in Gaza ceasefire.
以色列士兵Agam Berger在加沙被哈马斯作为停火协定的一部分释放。 Israeli soldier Agam Berger was released by Hamas in Gaza as part of a ceasefire agreement. Berger被关押了482天,被移交给红十字会,然后交给以色列部队。 Berger, held captive for 482 days, was handed over to the Red Cross and then to Israeli forces. 这一释放是包括以色列释放8名人质和110名巴勒斯坦囚犯在内的一项协议的一部分。 This release is part of a deal that includes the release of eight hostages and 110 Palestinian prisoners by Israel. 交换是停火协定的第三阶段,预计会有更多的释放。 The exchange is the third phase of a ceasefire agreement, and more releases are expected.