爱尔兰机构计划在都柏林的Leopardstown赛道土地上建造多达1,000套负担得起的住房。 Irish agencies plan to build up to 1,000 affordable homes on Dublin's Leopardstown Racecourse land.
爱尔兰国家机构正在考虑一项计划,在都柏林的Leopardstown赛马场土地上建造1 000个负担得起的社会住房。 Irish state agencies are considering a plan to build up to 1,000 affordable and social homes on the land of Leopardstown Racecourse in Dublin. 这项提案涉及骑马爱尔兰公司和土地开发局,旨在解决该市的住房需求,同时不影响赛事。 The proposal, involving Horse Racing Ireland and the Land Development Agency, aims to address the city's housing needs without affecting racing events. 如果最后确定,这可能是在都柏林提供更经济适用住房选择的一个重要步骤。 If finalized, this could be a significant step in providing more affordable housing options in Dublin.