前特朗普官员访问委内瑞拉,要求释放美国人,遣返被驱逐的罪犯。 Former Trump official visits Venezuela to demand release of Americans and return of deported criminals.
一位资深特朗普官员理查德·格雷内尔前往委内瑞拉,敦促马杜罗政府接受在美国犯下罪行的被驱逐出境的委内瑞拉移民,并释放被监禁的美国人。 Richard Grenell, a senior Trump official, traveled to Venezuela to urge the Maduro government to accept deported Venezuelan migrants who committed crimes in the U.S. and release imprisoned Americans. 格蕾尔的来访是在马杜罗 有争议的第三次就职典礼之后 Grenell's visit comes after Maduro's controversial third-term inauguration. 尽管局势紧张,但特朗普政府旨在谈判这些问题,同时不破坏特使毛里西奥·克莱弗-卡隆指出的恢复委内瑞拉民主的努力。 Despite tensions, the Trump administration aims to negotiate these issues without undermining efforts to restore democracy in Venezuela, according to special envoy Mauricio Claver-Carone.