加拿大法院以不公平待遇为由,对违反宪法的一级谋杀罪规定25年假释禁令。 Canadian court rules 25-year parole ban for first-degree murder unconstitutional, citing unfair treatment.
A BC A B.C. 最高法院裁定《刑法》中有一节违宪,因为该节对所有一级杀人犯一视同仁,不论受害者人数多少。 Supreme Court has ruled a section of the Criminal Code unconstitutional, as it treats all first-degree murderers the same, regardless of the number of victims. 法院认定,要求25年假释无资格期的规定违反了《宪章》关于防止残忍和异常惩罚的规定。 The court found that the provision requiring a 25-year parole ineligibility period violates Charter protections against cruel and unusual punishment. 决定源于Luciano Mariani的案件,他承认谋杀其前伴侣Caroline Bernard有罪。 The decision stems from Luciano Mariani's case, who pleaded guilty to murdering his former partner, Caroline Bernard. David Crossin法官强调,单一谋杀的道德罪责和严重性应当与大规模或系列谋杀不同,应判处不同的刑罚。 Justice David Crossin emphasized that the moral culpability and gravity of single murders should warrant different sentencing than mass or serial murders.