艾伯塔省任命了退休法官,在指控官员失职后对警察监察人员进行审查。 Alberta appoints retired judge to review police watchdog after failures to charge officers.
艾伯塔省政府已任命退休法官Peter Martin审查该省的警察监督、ASIRT和皇家检察部门。 The Alberta government has appointed retired judge Peter Martin to review the province's police watchdog, ASIRT, and Crown prosecution service. 在此之前,ASIRT发现警察犯有罪行,但没有提出指控。 This follows cases where ASIRT found police officers committed offenses but no charges were filed. Martin于11月受聘,将审查目前的政策和做法,包括来自其他省份的见解。 Martin, hired in November, will examine current policies and practices, including insights from other provinces. 他的报告将由该部审查,该部将考虑任何建议。 His report will be reviewed by the ministry, which will consider any recommendations.