波特兰学校在星期一被封锁后有两个小时的延迟, Portland schools had a two-hour delay after a Monday lockdown due to a false online threat of a weapon.
波特兰学校因匿名网络威胁, 于周一遭中高中封锁后, 于周二延误两小时。 Portland schools experienced a two-hour delay on Tuesday following a lockdown at a middle and high school on Monday due to an anonymous online threat. 该威胁暗示一名七年级学生有枪,导致警方作出反应,并实行长达数小时的闭锁。 The threat, suggesting a seventh-grader had a gun, led to a police response and lockdown lasting several hours. 没有找到任何武器,威胁被视为骗局。 No weapons were found, and the threat was deemed a hoax. 一名13岁的学生可能面临指控。 A 13-year-old student may face charges. 家长们对事件期间缺乏信息表示沮丧。 Parents expressed frustration over the lack of information during the incident.