在缅因州Casco,经过高速追逐、坠机和逃跑后,两人被捕;发现他们用偷来的枪。 Two men were arrested in Casco, Maine, after a high-speed chase, crash, and escape; found with a stolen gun.
两名男子,19岁和21岁,在缅因州Casco的高速追逐中,在警察因涉嫌违反驾驶规则而拦截失败后被捕。 Two men, aged 19 and 21, were arrested after a high-speed chase in Casco, Maine, following a failed police stop for a suspected driving violation. 追逐以坠机而告终,两人均逃离现场,但后来被发现,并用偷来的火器逮捕。 The chase ended with a crash, and both fled the scene but were later found and arrested with a stolen firearm. 他们被指控犯有各种罪行,包括接收被盗财产和在影响下驾驶。 They were charged with various offenses including receiving stolen property and driving under the influence.