T3金融犯罪股协助西班牙当局冻结与一个欧洲犯罪集团有关的加密资金26.4M美元。 T3 Financial Crime Unit aids Spanish authorities in freezing $26.4M in crypto funds tied to a European criminal group.
一个名为T3金融犯罪股的团体包括Tron、Tether和TRM实验室,帮助西班牙当局冻结了与犯罪组织有关的2 640万美元,该犯罪组织通过加密洗钱。 A group called T3 Financial Crime Unit, which includes Tron, Tether, and TRM Labs, helped Spanish authorities freeze $26.4 million linked to a criminal organization that laundered money through cryptocurrencies. 这是自去年建立该单位以来最大的一次缉获,总共冻结了1.26亿美元。 This is the largest seizure since the unit was created last year, with a total of $126 million frozen. 该辛迪加在欧洲各地活动,是通过警察监视和财务记录查明的。 The syndicate, operating across Europe, was identified using police surveillance and financial records.