西班牙警方摧毁了国际欺诈网络,从汽车进口骗局中追回了超过1 100万欧元的资产。 Spanish police dismantle international fraud network, recovering over €11M in assets from car import scam.
西班牙当局打破了一个国际犯罪网络,通过豪华汽车进口骗局欺骗西班牙财政部1 700多万欧元。 Spanish authorities have broken up an international crime network that defrauded the Spanish Treasury of over €17 million through a luxury car import scam. 这次行动导致30多人被捕,其中包括德国头目。 The operation led to the arrest of over 30 individuals, including the German-based ringleader. 犯罪分子利用假公司在不支付增值税的情况下进口汽车,以低于市场价值的价格出售这些汽车。 The criminals used fake companies to import cars without paying VAT, selling them below market value. 当局在多国扣押了价值超过1 100万欧元的资产,包括现金、珠宝和豪华车辆。 Authorities seized assets worth over €11 million, including cash, jewelry, and luxury vehicles, across multiple countries.