最高法院命令泰米尔纳德邦为Palar河污染提供补偿,并设立监测小组。 Supreme Court orders Tamil Nadu to compensate for Palar River pollution, sets up monitoring panel.
最高法院命令泰米尔纳德邦政府赔偿受当地制革厂造成的Palar河严重污染影响的人。 The Supreme Court has ordered the Tamil Nadu government to compensate those affected by severe pollution in the Palar River, caused by local tanneries. 法院要求国家设立一个由一名前法官领导的小组,评估并纠正生态损害。 The court has asked the state to establish a panel headed by a former judge to assess and rectify the ecological damage. 法院还警告对不遵守规定者处以监禁,并将监测进展情况,在四个月后安排另一次听审。 The court also warned of imprisonment for non-compliance and will monitor progress, scheduling another hearing in four months.