喀拉拉高等法院要求官员对Periyar河污染负责,这是Kochi的重要水源。 Kerala High Court holds officials accountable for Periyar River pollution, a crucial water source for Kochi.
喀拉拉高等法院警告官员,他们将因Periyar河(Kochi的主要饮用水源)的进一步污染承担个人责任。 The Kerala High Court warned officials they will be held personally accountable for further pollution in the Periyar River, the main drinking water source for Kochi. 这是在对当局的疏忽提出投诉之后发生的,法院强调必须保护河水免受污染,污染已导致大量鱼类死亡。 This follows a complaint about authorities' negligence, with the court emphasizing the need to protect the river from pollution, which has led to mass fish deaths. 由于污染控制机构没有采取有效行动,环境团体和居民已向法院提出请愿。 Environmental groups and residents have petitioned the court due to ineffective action by pollution control agencies.