印度最高法院警告说,河流,特别是甘加河的塑料废物造成环境退化,并要求协同努力。 India's Supreme Court warns of environmental degradation from plastic waste in rivers, particularly the Ganga, and asks for collaborative efforts.
印度最高法院警告说,向河流和水体倾弃塑料废物正在造成环境退化和危害水生生物。 India's Supreme Court warns that plastic waste dumping in rivers and water bodies is causing environmental degradation and harming aquatic life. 它呼吁当局和公共合作作出协作努力,以解决这一问题,特别是把重点放在甘加河上。 It calls for collaborative efforts from authorities and public cooperation to address this issue, particularly focusing on the Ganga River. 法院请联邦政府、全国清洁甘加特派团和比哈尔州政府在四周内提交有关这些问题的宣誓书。 The court asks the Union government, National Mission for Clean Ganga, and Bihar state government to submit affidavits within four weeks addressing these matters.