尼日利亚居民阻止破坏者破坏一座关键电塔,抓获一名嫌疑人。 Residents in Nigeria stopped vandals from damaging a key power tower, catching one suspect.
尼日利亚Watuolo村居民挫败了在Ugwuaji-Makurdi 330kV线沿线破坏一座关键传输塔T195的企图。 Residents in Watuolo village, Nigeria, thwarted an attempted vandalism of a key transmission tower, T195, along the Ugwuaji-Makurdi 330kV line. 社区成员保持警惕,逮捕了一名被交给警察的嫌疑犯。 Community members' vigilance led to the apprehension of one suspect, who was handed to the police. 尼日利亚传输公司赞扬了该社区,并敦促其他人保护附近的基础设施,强调与安全部队合作打击这类袭击。 The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) praised the community and urged others to protect nearby infrastructure, emphasizing collaboration with security forces to combat such attacks.