破坏者摧毁了尼日利亚巴耶尔萨的两座输电塔,在延纳戈阿大都会和整个国家造成停电。 Vandals destroyed two transmission towers in Bayelsa, Nigeria, causing a power outage in Yenagoa Metropolis and the entire state.
Vandals摧毁了尼日利亚Bayelsa沿Ahoada/Yenagoa132kV线的两座输电塔,导致Yenagoa大都会和整个Bayelsa州停电。 Vandals have destroyed two transmission towers in Bayelsa, Nigeria, along the Ahoada/Yenagoa 132kV line, causing a power outage in Yenagoa Metropolis and the entire Bayelsa state. 尼日利亚传输公司报告了这一事件,并计划紧急重建塔楼。 The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) reported the incident and plans to reconstruct the towers on an emergency basis. TCN敦促公众帮助打击破坏电力基础设施的行为,并将继续与保安人员和东道社区合作解决这一问题。 TCN is urging the public to help combat vandalism of power infrastructure and will continue to collaborate with security operatives and host communities to address the issue.