包括组织者Chester Gallagher在内的3名反堕胎活动家因根据《FACE法》封锁田纳西州2021年诊所而被判刑。 3 anti-abortion activists, including organizer Chester Gallagher, were sentenced for a 2021 clinic blockade in Tennessee under the FACE Act.
包括组织者Chester Gallagher在内的三名反堕胎活动家因在田纳西州诊所2021年封锁期间扮演的角色而被判刑。 Three anti-abortion activists, including organizer Chester Gallagher, have been sentenced for their roles in a 2021 blockade at a Tennessee clinic. Gallagher被判处16个月监禁,Heather Idoni被判处8个月监禁,同时服上期徒刑。 Gallagher received 16 months in prison, while Heather Idoni was sentenced to 8 months, served concurrently with a prior sentence. 两人均因阻碍入境和联邦阴谋而被判有罪. Both were convicted of obstructing access and federal conspiracy under the FACE Act. 这一案件结束了针对该群体的法律行动,其目的是阻止他们获得生殖健康服务。 This case concludes legal actions against the group, which aimed to prevent access to reproductive health services.