巴基斯坦担心美国留在阿富汗的先进武器正落入恐怖分子手中。 Pakistan worries advanced U.S. weapons left in Afghanistan are falling into terrorist hands.
巴基斯坦对美国在2021年撤军后留在阿富汗的先进武器感到关切。 Pakistan is concerned about advanced US weapons left in Afghanistan after the US troop withdrawal in 2021. 这些武器价值72亿美元,据报被TTP等恐怖主义集团用来攻击巴基斯坦。 These weapons, valued at $7.2 billion, have reportedly been used by terrorist groups like the TTP to attack Pakistan. 巴基斯坦呼吁阿富汗当局确保这些武器的安全,防止它们落入不法分子手中。 Pakistan has called on Afghanistan's authorities to secure these weapons and prevent them from falling into the wrong hands. 美国最初打算取回设备,但塔利班控制了它,拒绝归还。 The US had initially aimed to retrieve the equipment, but the Taliban took control and refused to return it.