阿富汗安全部队在塔哈尔省和巴格兰省发现武器库,自 2021 年 8 月以来缴获数千件武器和弹药。 Afghanistan's security forces discovered weapons caches in Takhar and Baghlan provinces, seizing thousands of arms and ammunition since August 2021.
阿富汗安全部队在塔赫塔尔省和巴格兰省发现武器弹药库,在巴格兰省缴获23支卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪、5挺PK机枪、3个火箭发射器、5枚手榴弹、1支M16突击步枪、4枚美制地雷,在塔哈尔省缴获数百发子弹。 Afghanistan's security forces discovered weapons and ammunition caches in Takhtar and Baghlan provinces, seizing 23 Kalashnikovs, 5 PK machine guns, 3 rocket launchers, 5 grenades, 1 M16, and 4 US-made mines in Baghlan, and hundreds of bullets in Takhar. 自2021年8月以来,阿富汗看守政府为维护法律和秩序,从不负责任的武装团体手中缴获了数千件武器弹药。 Since August 2021, the Afghan caretaker government seized thousands of arms and ammunition from irresponsible armed groups in efforts to maintain law and order.