阿富汗安全部队在赫尔曼德省收缴了武器,逮捕了15人,这是看守政府当前武器收缴工作的一部分。 Afghan security forces seized weapons and arrested 15 in Helmand province, a part of the caretaker government's ongoing arms recovery effort.
在过去三个月中,阿富汗安全部队在赫尔曼德省缴获了大量藏匿的武器,包括火器、手榴弹和地雷。 Afghan security forces have seized a substantial cache of weapons in Helmand province over the last three months, including firearms, grenades, and mines. 逮捕了15人,他们的案件被送交司法机构调查。 Fifteen individuals were arrested, with their cases sent to the judiciary for investigation. 这一行动是阿富汗看守政府从非保安人员手中收缴武器的持续倡议的一部分,自2021年8月以来没收了数千件武器,包括坦克。 This operation is part of the Afghan caretaker government's ongoing initiative to recover arms from non-security personnel, resulting in the confiscation of thousands of weapons, including tanks, since August 2021.