当地粮食银行收到40 000磅鲑鱼,向有需要的人提供26 000多份膳食。 Local food bank receives 40,000 pounds of salmon, providing over 26,000 meals to those in need.
纽约中部食品银行从关闭的Coho当地鲑鱼养殖场收到13 000只活鲑鱼捐赠,体重40 000磅。 The Food Bank of Central New York received a donation of 13,000 live salmon, weighing 40,000 pounds, from the closing LocalCoho salmon farm. 在42名志愿者的帮助下,鲑鱼被加工成冷冻片,分发给区域食品储藏室、庇护所和汤食室。 With the help of 42 volunteers, the salmon were processed into frozen fillets for distribution to regional food pantries, shelters, and soup kitchens. 预计这项捐赠将向需要者提供26 000多份优质蛋白质服务。 This donation is expected to provide over 26,000 servings of high-quality protein to those in need.