前纽约市消防总长萨卡维诺(Sacavino)承认收受190K美元的贿赂以进行快速检查。 Former NYC Fire Chief Saccavino pleads guilty to taking $190K in bribes for expedited inspections.
前纽约市消防局局长安东尼·萨卡维诺已认罪,承认接受190 000美元的贿赂以加快安全检查。 Former New York City Fire Department Chief Anthony Saccavino has pleaded guilty to accepting $190,000 in bribes to expedite safety inspections. 萨卡维诺领导防火局,在联邦法院承认这一阴谋,并同意放弃57 000美元。 Leading the Bureau of Fire Prevention, Saccavino admitted to the conspiracy in federal court and agreed to forfeit $57,000. 判决定于5月14日进行,建议判处五年监禁。 Sentencing is set for May 14, with a recommended five-year prison term. 另一位前消防队长Brian Cordasco也在同一阴谋中认罪。 Another former fire chief, Brian Cordasco, also pleaded guilty in the same conspiracy.