Draup在印度是一家AI招聘公司, 连续三年获得“大工作之地”认证。 Draup, an AI recruitment firm in India, earns "Great Place to Work" certification for third consecutive year.
Draup是一家由AI驱动的印度招聘公司,已连续第三年被认证为一个伟大的工作场所。 Draup, an AI-driven recruitment company in India, has been certified as a Great Place to Work for the third year in a row. 这项基于雇员反馈的认证突出了公司的支持文化和雇员之间的信任。 This certification, based on employee feedback, highlights the company's supportive culture and trust among employees. 根据证书,这些公认公司的工人享有工作的可能性要高93%,拥有大老板的可能性要高4.5倍。 According to the certification, workers at such recognized companies are 93% more likely to enjoy their jobs and 4.5 times more likely to have a great boss.