印度公司领导全球采用人工智能,计划到2025年大幅增加人工智能支出。 Indian firms lead global AI adoption, planning significant increases in AI spending by 2025.
79%的公司计划到2025年将人工智能支出平均增加41%。 Indian companies are leading the global charge in AI adoption, with 79% planning to increase AI spending by an average of 41% by 2025. 该国在日常人工智能使用和强制性人工智能政策方面也领先。 The country is also ahead in daily AI usage and mandatory AI policies. 在全球范围,AI代理商越来越普遍,在诸如Sealforce这样的公司中,任务日益自动化,效率不断提高,Sealforce计划发射Agres 2.0,这是AI的先进产品。 Globally, AI agents are becoming more prevalent, automating tasks and improving efficiency in companies like Salesforce, which plans to launch Agentforce 2.0, an advanced AI product. 然而,人工智能的日益使用引发了对技能缺口,职位流失以及需要强有力的人工智能治理来管理风险和合规性的担忧. However, the increasing use of AI raises concerns about skills gaps, job displacement, and the need for robust AI governance to manage risks and compliance.