由于工业使用和气候变化,死海正在迅速缩小,造成水坑和海滩封闭。 The Dead Sea is rapidly shrinking, causing sinkholes and beach closures, due to industrial use and climate change.
死海是一个主要的旅游目的地,由于工业使用和气候变化,死海正在迅速缩小,造成危险的水坑和海滩关闭五年。 The Dead Sea, a major tourist destination, is shrinking rapidly due to industrial use and climate change, causing dangerous sinkholes and closing beaches for five years. 自1960年代以来,由于河流改道和矿物开采,水位每年下降1米以上。 Water levels have dropped over one meter annually since the 1960s due to river diversions and mineral extraction. 区域冲突阻碍了应对危机所需的合作,但正在考虑海水淡化和运河等解决方案。 Regional conflicts hinder cooperation needed to address the crisis, but solutions like desalination and canals are being considered.