49年后,高级中士阿拉斯达尔·麦克米兰从新西兰警察退休。 After 49 years, Senior Sergeant Alasdair Macmillan retires from the New Zealand Police.
在与新西兰警察共事49年之后,高级中士阿拉斯达尔·麦克米兰退休了。 After 49 years with the New Zealand Police, Senior Sergeant Alasdair Macmillan has retired. 麦克米兰因关心和奉献而闻名,担任各种职务,包括前线、刑事调查处、潜水队和预防举措。 Known for his care and dedication, Macmillan held various roles, including frontline, Criminal Investigation Branch, Dive Squad, and prevention initiatives. 他于2019年获得Kiwibank地方英雄奖,并因长期服务而获得荣誉,其中包括从事诸如搜寻Peter Plumley-Walker等引人注目的案件以及苏联游轮Mikhail Lermontov沉没后的调查工作。 He received the Kiwibank Local Hero award in 2019 and was honored for his long service, which included working on high-profile cases like the search for Peter Plumley-Walker and the investigation following the Soviet cruise liner Mikhail Lermontov's sinking.