在侵犯隐私权的情况下,两名少女因在多伦多刺伤一名无家可归的男子而获得缓刑。 Two teenage girls receive probation for stabbing a homeless man in Toronto, amid privacy rights violations.
在多伦多,参与杀害一名无家可归男子的两名女孩Kenneth Lee被判处缓刑,而不是延长羁押时间。 Two girls involved in the fatal stabbing of a homeless man, Kenneth Lee, in Toronto, have been sentenced to probation instead of further time in custody. 一名女孩被判犯有过失杀人罪,将缓刑两年,参加社区方案,另一名被判犯有殴打罪,将缓刑一年。 One girl was found guilty of manslaughter and will serve two years of probation and participate in a community program, while the other, convicted of assault charges, will serve a year of probation. 两个女孩的隐私权都因多次脱衣搜查而受到侵犯,导致减刑。 Both girls had their privacy rights violated through repeated strip searches, leading to their sentences being reduced. 该案件涉及总共8名女童,另有2人因二级谋杀罪受审,另外2人预计将在5月因类似指控受审。 The case involves eight girls total, with two more facing trial for second-degree murder and the other two expected to be tried in May for similar charges.