研究发现,商业渔船在走私从马来西亚到越南的偷猎老虎部件方面起着关键作用。 Study finds commercial fishing boats key in smuggling poached tiger parts from Malaysia to Vietnam.
Panthera、ZSL和Sunway大学最近的一项研究表明,商业渔船在从马来西亚向越南走私偷猎的老虎部件方面起着关键作用。 A recent study by Panthera, ZSL, and Sunway University reveals that commercial fishing boats are key in smuggling poached tiger parts from Malaysia to Vietnam. 这些船只之所以被使用,是因为它们能够廉价运送大宗货物,而且海关检查的风险较低。 These boats are used due to their ability to carry large consignments cheaply and with lower risk of customs checks. 研究建议针对家乡村庄的偷猎者, 减少这种威胁马来西亚濒危老虎的贸易, The study suggests targeting poachers in their home villages to reduce this trade, which threatens Malaysia's critically endangered tigers, with only about 150 left in the wild.