韩国大米蛋糕出口大幅攀升至2024年的91 400万美元, South Korea's rice cake exports soar to $91.4M in 2024, boosted by global Korean food craze.
韩国大米蛋糕出口在2024年创下9 140万美元创纪录, 增长17.5%, South Korea's rice cake exports hit a record $91.4 million in 2024, up 17.5%, fueled by the global interest in Korean food, especially tteokbokki, a spicy rice cake dish. 美国、荷兰和越南是进口大国。 The U.S., Netherlands, and Vietnam were top importers. Kimchi出口也达到47 100吨的峰值,价值1.636亿美元,突出显示了韩国美食日益增长的国际吸引力。 Kimchi exports also peaked at 47,100 tons, valued at $163.6 million, highlighting the growing international appeal of Korean cuisine.