肯尼亚农民挑战法律禁止分享种子, 这对于在气候威胁下削减成本至关重要。 Kenyan farmers challenge law banning seed sharing, crucial for cost-cutting amid climate threats.
肯尼亚的农业部门对其国内生产总值的三分之一至关重要,它面临着气候变化和假冒种子的威胁。 Kenya's agriculture sector, crucial for one-third of its GDP, faces threats from climate change and counterfeit seeds. 国家种子银行拥有50 000多个种子品种,其中一些具有抵御气候变化的能力。 The National Seed Bank holds over 50,000 seed varieties, some resilient to climate change. 然而,2012年禁止种子分享(传统上用于削减成本)的法律引发了超过12名农民的法庭挑战,他们认为这会使农业更贵。 However, a 2012 law banning seed sharing, traditionally used to cut costs, has sparked a court challenge by over a dozen farmers who argue it makes farming more expensive.