Kelantan的洪水威胁了26 000多公顷的稻田,使农民的生计面临危险。 Flooding in Kelantan threatens over 26,000 hectares of paddy fields, risking farmers' livelihoods.
Kelantan的洪水使Kemubu农业发展局(Kada)和非戈兰地区超过26 000公顷的稻田面临危险。 Flooding in Kelantan has put over 26,000 hectares of paddy fields at risk, managed by the Kemubu Agricultural Development Authority (Kada) and in non-granary areas. 据Kelantan农民协会主席Zuha Ismail说,最近播种种子或等待收获的田地受到影响。 According to the Kelantan Farmers Association chairman, Zuha Ismail, fields recently sown with seeds or awaiting harvest are affected. 在此之前,由于供水问题和干旱造成损失,目前的洪水可能破坏整个作物,给农民造成重大财政损失。 This follows previous losses due to water supply issues and drought, with the current floods potentially ruining the entire crop, causing significant financial losses for farmers.